• Lee H., Park J.W., Helal A. (2009) Estimation of Indoor Physical Activity Level Based on Footstep Vibration Signal Measured by MEMS Accelerometer in Smart Home Environments. Mobile Entity Localization and Tracking in GPS-less Environnments. MELT 2009. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 5801. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-04385-7_11

Localizing footstep sources and estimating the level of energy expenditure based on footsteps.


To promote personal health for the elderly and the disabled, and to support independent living at reasonable cost, it is agreeable that a home-based sensor network that collects various data and vital signs of the residents is a promising approach. In this project, networked MEMS accelerometer sensors are considered as a superior technology for localizing footstep source and computing correlation between the level of energy expenditure and the level of floor vibration.